New or Old SMA Family....

B4SMA Ptions recently published another video. This one is earmarked for newly diagnosed families. It was a beautiful video, the words stuck me....this hits home regardless of being a newly diagnosed family or an "old" diagnosed family....

Yesterday, we received a note from a new mom and dad
“Our baby was just diagnosed,
With sma
We are scared.
What kind of life will our child have?
Today we reply to them like this:
Dear new parents,
Don’t be afraid.
Your child
Will be able to do many things
They’ll be able to jug you.
They’ll be able to play with you.
They’ll be able to speak
Someday in their own way.
They’ll be able to tell you just how much they love you,
They will be able to go to school
Like everybody.
They will be able to learn to read
And they will be able to tell you their own stories.
If someday they are far away,
Because, indeed,
They will be able to travel too.
They’ll return with memories of their own
They’’’ be able to help their father
Fix his hotrod.
They will be able to work.
They will have best friends
They’ll fall in love
And have a family of their own.
You will have to make difficult decisions,
Decisions no parent should ever have to make.
Sometimes it will be difficult
Very difficult
Almost impossible
But isn’t it like that for all parents?
Dear parents,
Your child can be happy,
Just like I am.
And you’ll be happy too.
Right mom?
Right dad?
People with SMA can live happy lives.
Together anything is possible.
Everyone deserves to be happy.


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