Camp Shirt Day

While I can't wear both, they both hold a special place in our hearts. Camp Simcha Special and Camp Louise have given each one of our children a place to be normal, to forget, even for a few weeks...if that is possible.

Camp Simcha Special, is a place where Ian and other children and teens with a range of chronic illnesses can go for two weeks of fun, friendship, and where anything is possible. There are non-stop activities, bunk spirit, singing and dancing; for these kids...if there is a way, it is done. From baseball to photography and videography, arts and crafts to boating, swimming to rockety, talent shows to Color War, each camper gets to experience things they have done before and enjoy new things. After all, isn't that what camp is about...sure is! Well at Camp Simcha Special each of those activities is developed in an environment created with these children in mind. Each camper has his own trained counselor... we love you Danny, a guide and special friend who makes sure every minute of camp life is wonderful. It's not a place where illness means you can't but you can, everything is fun. With all of that in mind, they have a wonderful medical and administrative staff who are experts in caring for children with chronic illnesses. Due to the staff, there are children dependent on wheelchairs or walkers, respirators, gastric tubes and other medical equipment. Ian can do anything there, nothing gets in his way..he is "normal", just one of the boys.

Camp Louise, is a place where Becca can go to be normal, forget about life at home. There are non-stop activities, arts and crafts, photography, videography, outdoor adventure, athletics, dance and drama, a radio station and music studio, and swimming. Each bunk has about 12 campers with 2 or more college-aged counselors...Becca's counselors last year were wonderful. With Becca being a 1st time camper as well as our "normal" they made sure she felt safe, had a place to talk if she wanted to be able to share about her family or not share about her family. It was all about her....whatever she needed. Camp Louise took us under their wings and helped all us give Becca three weeks of fun, life-long friendships and it being about her, being "normal" and just one of the girls. 

For Brian and I, there are no words for what these two wonderful camps have done for our family. We know there is a place where they are "home". We know they are cared for with so much love. We know they are just one of the lucky ones...just one of the boys...just one of the girls.


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