Sorority Reunion

This weekend the kids and I went to NJ for a sorority reunion. It was a wonderful weekend. The kids were fabulous in the car, Becca helped me giving Ian things while I was driving, she also opened his water bottle…things that either Brian or I would have done if we were all 4 together. We had a great time. Both kids swam like I have never seen them swim before. Becca was all over the pool, jumping off of the diving board and swimming to the wall, sometimes even to the other end of the pool. Ian was able to stand in the shallow end of the pool. When Ian was younger, he took swim lessons. It was more for the therapeutic purposes then the actual lessons. Unlike other therapeutic methods, swimming can actually be safe because there is no possibility of hurting one’s self by falling down. The warmth of a heated swim area can also provide relief from muscle stiffness or pain. Water provides buoyancy as well, which alleviates the stress on the body that gravity causes. Swim exercise and movements can help in building muscle strength. That being said, Ian was walking in the water, it was amazing to see. Not only was he walking, he was doing it independently. He would yell at me if I sent to get his hands for anything…”I can do it, I don’t need your help.” And let me tell you, I got yelled at quite a few times. He would walk around me in circles. He even wanted to go to the diving board and jump in…well that did not happen, I was not comfortable with that at all. Both kids had a great time as well as I did. My sorority sisters and their families were wonderful, thank you all for the help you gave me. All my love, let’s not let so many years go bye before we do it again…any time you want to come to Baltimore, let me know…xoxo

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