Friday, January 25, 2013

Today was pretty much status quo...Ian sat in his wheelchair for about 10 minutes today. He tolerated well, afterwards needed a lot of suctioning but that is good as it helped to get more gunk out of him. His x-ray showed marginal improvement from yesterday. We spoke with Ian's main Pulmonologist today to discuss the results from the bronchoscopy yesterday. They are not rushing into a decision about extubating...just continuing to see how Ian's lungs respond to everything.  Ian got to spent the morning with mommy and the afternoon/evening with daddy. Becca got to spend most of the day at school...thanks to a 2 hour early dismissal, she got to go home to her "other" home until I got to pick her up to spent the evening/night with her...time to sign off and go cuddly with my beautiful little girl.


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