On Sunday when the van broke down, we were fortunate to have my cousin, Michelle, at the same event we were at so she came to pick us up. While transferring Ian from the van to lay on Becca and I in the back seat of her car, Ian's arm got postioned behind his head. He immediately started complaining about his shoulder. We calmed him down and didn't really think much of it. Sunday night he complained a little bit of pain but nothing his pain medicine didn't take care of. Monday was a good day and no complaining of any shoulder pain. He slept well on Monday night. Tuesday was a different story, Ian did a lot of complaining of shoulder pain. After many doses of pain medicine, which did not seem to touch the pain and a conversation with his hospice nurse, we decided to take Ian to Hopkins ER for X-rays. I guess I'm glad we did. Ian has a fractured humerus, upper arm. So we are in a sling and keeping it immobilized. Hoping for an easy few weeks while he heals.
Jennifer Larsen Orlando Oh no, hope he's feeling better soon.
ReplyDeleteAnnelise Sullivan Oh, poor kiddo. Hoping he heals quickly.
Heather Schmidt Young I hope he heals quickly!
Sallie Brovitz-Palmer Oh no. Hope he is on the mend and feeling better soon!
Sherri Asher Oh my , prayers for a quick recovery!!
Sara Alima Ostrow Hope he has a quick recovery.
Audrey D Kline Oh no! Hope he feels better quickly!
Jami Schultz Margolis Shame ! Wishing Ian a quick- pain free and complete recovery!
Tamara Jayne Flax Feel better quickly Ian!
Deana Munchow Oh, my. Wishing him a speedy and painless recovery.
Alicia Katznelson Broth :( Hope he heals quickly.
Jodi Postol I meant to ask you how his shoulder was... My poor boyfriend... Hopefully it heals quickly.
Alyssa Faye Get well soon!
Connie McElroy Lippenholz No no no! So sorry. Hoping he heals quickly.
Melissa Klawans Cohen Thinking of you, Ian. Feel better!
Julie Onnembo The poor kid. I hope he feels better soon!
Sally Weintraub Grobani Oh, no! I hope he heals quickly and feels better very soon!
Sherie Bober Rubin Poor guy😢. Hope he feels better
Teri Ershler Gitlitz Praying for a speedy recovery. Hope Ian's pain goes away soon
Leslie Kapper Sands Poor thing!
Susan Heneson Kornblatt Sending wishes for a smooth recovery.
Ina Sakolsky Leboe Hope Ian is feeling better soon !!!!
Melody Ballan Cooper Hang in there Ian!
Daean Menke Awww. So sorry Ian. Wishing you a speedy recovery Buddy!
Steve Lunenfeld Hope Ian feels better soon
Hal Deutsch Hang in there!
Robyn Stevens Brody Xo.
Arlene Brown Stein so sorry hope he feels better soon
Debi Gersh Van Camp Xo
Elizabeth Shamash Weatherholtz Poor thing. So sorry he has to go through this.