Touch My Heart

Touch my nose, my lips, my eyes
with your small hands.
Then touch my arms and chest.

Feel their shape

how real they are.

Now, touch my love.

No, not my chest or arms or lips.
You are puzzled.
How is one to touch love
and where is its place.

Love is not here or there

But who would
deny its reality.

Where does love reside

if it cannot be pointed to 
as with other limbs.

Is it less real than my chin?

If anything, love is sharper, harder, softer,
warmer than bodily things, objects I can touch.

There are matters not subject to the senses

taste, sound, smell, sight, touch
Matters elusive to definition
yet known without doubt.

Known to make us cry and laugh

to move us to unimagined heights
to courage and self-sacrifice.

Experiences - like love or G-D

Cannot be fingered, placed or poked.
Of such things
it is wiser to ask
not where but when.

Don't ask where is love

don't ask where is G-D
ask when is love
and when is G-d.

-Rabbi Harold Schulwies, z"l


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