April 27th, November 30th and May 8th are special days...April 27th was a few weeks ago, November 30th is months away and May 8th is in 2 days. Thirty-four years ago on Friday, April 27, 1984, I became a Bat Mitzvah. Thirty-three years ago on November 30, 1985, Brian became Bar Mitzvah. Two years ago on May 8, 2016, Becca and Ian became a Bat and Bar Mitzvah. I vividly remember two of those days.
Friday, April 27, 1984 was a sunny day. I remember laying out in the sun in our backyard on Bryony Road, I think it was in the upper 70's. Arriving at Beth Israel Synagogue, nervous and anxious. Back then, girls had their Bat Mitzvah's on Friday nights and boys had their Bar Mitzvah's on Saturday mornings, so you shared the weekend with another family. The Bat Mitzvah girl needed to be at services on Saturday morning as well as the Bar Mitzvah boy needed to be there Friday night. I remember being on the bimah reciting my hoftorah, in disbelief that I was the one up there. When I came down from the bimah to sit in the front row with my parents, sister and grandparents, I turned to my mom and asked if I could do it again. Never did I think I would have felt that way. And no I didn't do it again. I remember the feeling being over the top and at the age of 13, I didn't think it could get any better.
The Weinberg's |
Susan and Marci |
The Weinberg's at the end of Marci's Bat Mitzvah Weekend |
Marci Lynn Weinberg
November 30, 1985 was Thanksgiving weekend. I'm not really sure how much I truly remember as its been over 20 years. But I do remember being very nervous and just wanted to get it all over with. The service part not the party, I wanted that to last. One vivid memory that I do have is of the rabbi needing to stop the service because all my friends were being too loud. Once all was said and done it was off to Martin's West to party. It was a great time, a great day and a great weekend.
Sharon looking at Brian |
Herb and Brian |
Eric, Michael and Brian |
Brian Kenneth Scher |
But it did get better, many days were better. May 8, 2016 was one of those days. May 8, 2016, was a Sunday, Mother's Day and Rosh Chodesh. It was a day, as so many times before it arrived we questioned the outcome of it. In June 2014, we had a special "tallis" ceremony for Becca and Ian because we didn't know what would happen over the months, weeks and days until May 8, 2016. But to our excitement, all four of us made it...we all made it to the Bat Mitzvah of Becca Jordan and the Bar Mitzvah of Ian Alexander. The joy and excitement I felt...how proud I was of my children. The day started early, as we had to be at shul by 10am. Our house was busy, makeup and hair were being done. Ian's nurse came to help us on her day off and on Mother's Day to boot. She worked to get him dressed and ready, while Becca, Brian and I got ourselves ready. We arrived at the synagogue, looked at everything and how perfect it was, all ready to celebrate after the bimah work was done. Many family and friends began to arrive, from near and far. Some we hadn't seen in a very long time, some surprised us in coming and many we saw on a regular basis. You could feel the excitement in the sanctuary. Becca was ready to get started as soon as possible, part to get it over with because she was nervous and the other part because she wanted to party. Ian was just looking around at all the people, some of whom he recognized and smiled when he saw them, others he wasn't sure who they were but smiled (well in his own way) when they came over to him. Becca did a great job, it did take her a few minutes to gather herself once she realized what was happening. Brian, myself and Rabbi Shulman, just reminded her to take her deep breaths and take her time. That is was okay and she was good....and boy did she do great. Ian had it a little, okay a lot, easier. He just had to sit in his chair next to Danny, his friend and counselor, while he did Ian's Torah portion. And both Ian and Danny, did a great job! The rest of the service went quickly, at least it seemed that way to me. I recall, Brian and I up on the bimah with both kids, with more pride then we realized we had. Together as a family of 4, along with our entire village...we made it. We told the kids how proud we were of them, both as individuals and together, how they cared for each other like no one else could. Rabbi Shulman spoke to both kids, remarking how precious they both were...he had seen them grow up over the past 10 years, especially since I work at Chizuk Amuno. The service was over and it was time to move into the auditorium to party. We wanted it to be a huge celebration but not one that was over the top. One which we would be able to truly celebrate our kids, our family and our journey. I think looking back on the day, the service, the celebration, all who joined us...we did just that.
Becca and Ian celebrating |
Becca Jordan Scher and Ian Alexander Scher, getting ready to become Bat and Bar Mitzvah
The Scher's
Brian and I looking on as the kids stand in front of the Torah. |
Becca and Ian have become Bat and Bar Mitzvah...time for Brian and I to give hugs and kisses and try not to cry. |
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