Signs, Signs and more Signs

I'm not sure how many of you believe in signs. Signs from where and who, well that all depends on what you believe and think. 

According to an article, The Top 10 Signs from your Loved Ones in Spirit (Amanda Linette Medec) said, through dreams, feeling sensations or simply hearing a meaningful song on the radio while having a stressful day, your deceased loved ones attemp to connect with you after the passing. There are many reasons why they return to visit, and you don't have to be a medium or even one to experience the presense of a deceased loved one that you know personally. In fact, it's incredibly common. These direct methods of communication can occur anywhere and at anytime, though they are most common when you are alone and aware of your surroundings to take notice. You can recieve a sign when you are fully awake, in twilight state of dreaming and waking or in dream state. The 10 most common signs from your deceased loved ones are:
  1. Dream visitations
  2. Sensing their presence
  3. Feeling their touch
  4. Smelling their fragrance
  5. Hearing their voice
  6. Unexpected electrical activity
  7. A phone call
  8. Receiving a symbolic message, sign, coincidence or synchronicity
  9. Movement
  10. Seeing an apparition (flat photo, hologram, partial, full).

So with that being said, sometimes I believe, while other times, I'm just not sure. At this point and time and after this week, I'll believe. Since Becca left for Camp Louise, on Monday, July 23rd, I think I've gotten quite a few signs, yet at the time not realizing they were signs. Since getting the signs, things have happened afterwards which enabled me to realize they were signs.  This year, I had a much harder time leaving her at camp, for many different reasons, when I got home from work, Ian's 2nd anniversary Yahrzeit letter was in the mail. It was another knife in my heart. Tuesday evening, I went out to dinner with a few friends. Telling them the story and how I felt the letter just added to my day, one turned to me and said "Oh no, that is a sign, 'Ian's telling you he's got her and she's going to be okay'." I thought about it. All right, I can look at it that way, afterall, I have looked at things as signs before, so why not this. Coming home from dinner, I found a surprise on the floor in the drop zone. Caddie, our 4-legged daughter, decided to find some of Ian's things, I'm still not sure from where, nontheless, she found it and left it for me. At one point and time, the kids got Superhero Capes from an organization which seeks to empower Extraordinary kids as they overcome illness or disablity, called, "TinySuperheros". On the floor was the tag from Ian's cape which read: "Super Ian, We hope this cape makes you feel like the Tiny Superhero we know you are!" 

Okay, Ian,  I'll take that as another sign. My week continued to be difficult, on Friday evening Brian and I ran to Target to pick up some medicine. While Brian went to get the medicine, I decided to walk around 
and what's the first thing I see but a pair of Spiderman pj's saying "Born Hero", okay Ian, I'll take that one as well. Continuing on my walk thru target, I was checking out the graphic t-shirts and what did I see a Scooby Doo shirt. So as many of you know, Ian loved to watch TV and movies, some of the shows and movies would come and go, yes even Spiderman, another one of his favorites was Scooby-Doo. Yes, I splurged and got the $13.00 T-shirt. Saturday, came and went. Yesterday, I wore the Scooby Doo shirt. We get updates from the camp unit head and leaders letting us know what's been going on at camp. Well, right before shutting down for the night, the update came in. Color War 2018 was yesterday...the theme SCOOBY DOO GAMES 2018. Okay, Ian keep sending the signs, they are helping me feel better. So, what are you saying, "You've got this up there and we've got this down here". Whatever, this is, I'll take it.


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